1 | Inaugural meeting of Maylands Historical Society | INA MAY | 12/10/1992 | |||||||||||||||
2 | Memories of Maylands Len McWhinney | Frank Greenslade | MAYL MCWH | 25/11/1992 | ||||||||||||||
3 | Maylands Engineering (tape 1 of 2) | W Schulstad with F Greenslade | ENG1 SCHU | 2/4/1993 | ||||||||||||||
4 | Maylands Engineering (tape 2 of 2) | W Schulstad with F Greenslade | ENG2 SCHU | 2/4/1993 | ||||||||||||||
5 | Mephan Ferguson 1843-1919 | James Mephan Ferguson | FERG FERG | 10/05/1993 | ||||||||||||||
6 | Albany Bell Castle | Reg Bell | ALBA BELL | June 1993 | ||||||||||||||
7 | Maylands Fire Station | M Hodgkins | FIRE HODG | 19/07/1993 | ||||||||||||||
8 | Maylands Brick Works | Tom Delacy with F Greenslade | BRIC DELA | Nov 1993 | ||||||||||||||
9 | Maylands Brick Works | George Sutton with F Greenslade | BRIC SUTT | 1993 | ||||||||||||||
10 | ABC Interview on filling in claypits | Michael Schultz | CLAY SCHU | Jan 1994 | ||||||||||||||
11 | Maylands Aerodrome (tape 1 of 2) | Frank Colquhoun with F Greenslade | AER COL | 18/04/1994 | ||||||||||||||
12 | Maylands Aerodrome (tape 2 of 2) | Reg Adkins, Jim Peakins, Don Williamson, John Bird, with F Greenslade | AER VAR | 18/04/1994 | ||||||||||||||
13 | Maylands Aerodrome walkabout | F Colquhoun, B Tilly, Shirley Adkins,F Greenslade | AER VIS | 18/04/1994 | ||||||||||||||
14 | Historical Society meeting on Maylands Aerodrome | Various & F Greenslade at Old Peninsula Hotel | MAY GRE | 18/04/1994 | ||||||||||||||
15 | Maylands Aerodrome Master tape | Pilots etc | AER GRE | 18/04/1994 | ||||||||||||||
16 | Maylands swimming club | Kitty Thorgerson | SWIM THOR | 16/05/1994 | ||||||||||||||
17 | WA Blind Institute | Marj Harper Rose Moon | WABI HARP MOON | 20/06/1994 | ||||||||||||||
18 | Maylands Peninsula | Frank Greenslade | PENI GREE | 18/07/1994 | ||||||||||||||
19 | MMA at Maylands | Charles Eden Clarke | MMA EADO | 15/08/1994 | . | |||||||||||||
20 | Miss Baker Tranby House | Bruce James | TRAN BAKE | 9/08/1994 | ||||||||||||||
21 | Maylands Railway Station | Adrian Skelsey | RAIL SKEL | 17/01/1995 | ||||||||||||||
22 | Maylands Brick Works | Nick Bell | BRIC BELL | 20/03/1995 | ||||||||||||||
23 | Gus Liebe | Stan Gervas | LEIB GERV | April 1995 | ||||||||||||||
24 | The Tranby Hardeys | Greg Hardey | TRAN HARD | 20/06/1995 | ||||||||||||||
25 | Eighth Ave Bakery | Inga Rossbach | BAKE ROSS | 5/08/1995 | ||||||||||||||
26 | Rambling through Maylands | Albert Moon | MAYL MOON | 18/09/1995 | ||||||||||||||
27 | History of Maylands Mt lawley Uniting Church | Gordon Shearwood | UNCH SHEA | 1995 | ||||||||||||||
28 | Maylands Yacht Club History | Terry Gaunt | YACH GAUN | 20/05/1996 | ||||||||||||||
29 | Interview of Mrs Sadie McEwen born 1906 | E Flavel & M Mc Innes | McE McE | 1/06/1996 | ||||||||||||||
30 | Stirling Council meeting on Maylands clay pits | Veronica Cook | CLA COO | 18/06/1996 | ||||||||||||||
31 | Maylands Peninsula Farm | Frank Greenslade | FARM GREE | 15/07/1996 | ||||||||||||||
32 | The Endeavour & Capt Cooks Voyage (duplicate) | Keith Eddington | END EDD | 19/08/1996 | ||||||||||||||
33 | Links between Europe and Maylands | Frank Greenslade | LIN GRE | 18/11/1996 | ||||||||||||||
34 | Maylands | Jim Magnus son of Dr Magnus | DR.MA MAGN | 17/03/1997 | ||||||||||||||
35 | ANZAC Service Maylands Memorial | Rev Ray Neve | ANZ SER | 25/04/1997 | ||||||||||||||
36 | Maylands picture shows | Bruce James | THEA THOR | 19/05/1997 | ||||||||||||||
37 | Picture theatres of Maylands | Maude Simmons | THEA SIMM | May 1997 | ||||||||||||||
38 | Maylands Lyric Theatre and post war Maylands | Flora Franzinelli | LYRI FRAN | May 1997 | ||||||||||||||
39 | “I remember Maylands” | Mrs Al Costello interviewed by Frank Greenslade | I REM COST | 9/07/1997 | ||||||||||||||
40 | Memories of Maylands | Queenie Wilson interviewed by Frank Greenslade | MAYL WILS | 10/07/1997 | ||||||||||||||
41 | Maylands picture theatres | Prof Ina Bertrand | YHE BER | 21/07/1997 | ||||||||||||||
42 | The Duyfken | Don Edwards | DUY EDW | 18/08/1997 | ||||||||||||||
43 | Maylands Meccano club | Viv Mulgreen | MECC MULG | 15/11/1997 | Missing | |||||||||||||
44 | Massey Ferguson | Ross Winter | MASS WINT | April 1998 | ||||||||||||||
45 | Life with St Lukes Church | Roger Tomiins | REL TOM | 15/06/1998 | ||||||||||||||
46 | Mills Pottery | Frank Greenslade | MILL GREE | 17/08/1998 | ||||||||||||||
47 | Starting aircraft engines | Frank Colquhoun | AVIA COLQ | 19/02/1999 | ||||||||||||||
48 | Murder at Tranby | Brian Purdie | MURD PURD | 15/03/1999 | ||||||||||||||
49 | Women in Public Life | Alma Venville | WOME VENV | April 1999 | ||||||||||||||
50 | Farnham’s Shop | Geoff Farnham | SHOP FARN | 17/05/1999 | ||||||||||||||
51 | History of Policing | Brian Bull | POL BUL | 21/06/1999 | ||||||||||||||
52 | West Australian names | Brian Goodchild | WHA GOO | 19/07/1999 | ||||||||||||||
53 | A Century of Cycling | Fred Bishop | CYC BIS | 16/08/1999 | ||||||||||||||
54 | Maritime History | Ian Godfrey | MAR GOD | 20/09/1999 | ||||||||||||||
55 | The Gus Liebe Connection | Stan Gervas | LIEB GERV | 15/11/1999 | ||||||||||||||
56 | Maylands | Albert Moon | MOON MOON | 20/03/2000 | ||||||||||||||
57 | WW2 – Migrating to Australia | Steve Spanbrook | WW 2 SPA | 22/05/2000 | ||||||||||||||
58 | North West Cape | Betty Ratcliffe | NOR RAT | 19/06/2000 | ||||||||||||||
59 | Air services Maylands | Frank Greenslade | AIR GRE | 21/08/2000 | ||||||||||||||
60 | My Story (part 1) | Fay Cumper | CUM CUM | 19/03/2001 | ||||||||||||||
61 | War time Internment | Sonia Turkington | ITA TUR | 23/04/2001 | ||||||||||||||
62 | Bert Hinkler | John McKenzie | HIN McK | 21/05/2001 | ||||||||||||||
63 | My Story (part 2) | Fay Cumper | CUM2 CUM. | 18/06/2001 | ||||||||||||||
64 | Maylands Station House | Adrian Skelsey | STAT SKEL | 17/09/2001 | ||||||||||||||
65 | Maylands Shops | Albert Moon | SHOP MOON | 19/11/2001 | ||||||||||||||
66 | Bullant McIntyre | John McKenzie | BUL McK | 18/03/2002 | ||||||||||||||
67 | Darwin in wartime | Duncan Cameron | DAR CAM | 15/04/2002 | ||||||||||||||
68 | Nurse Weaver , | Duncan Cameron | WEAV CAME | 19/05/2002 | ||||||||||||||
69 | Die Back Jarrah Forest | Dr Amed Hussien | ENV HOS | 17/06/2002 | ||||||||||||||
70 | Australian Flag | Jim Rance | AUS RAN | 15/07/2002 | ||||||||||||||
71 | Peninsula Farm | Ray Acaster | FARM ACAS | 16/09/2002 | Missing | |||||||||||||
72 | Members Night | Members | MEM MAY | 18/11/2002 | ||||||||||||||
73 | King O’Malley | John McKenzie | KIN McK | 17/03/2003 | ||||||||||||||
74 | Fremantle Bushranger | Graham Pow | FRE POW | 21/04/2003 | Missing | |||||||||||||
75 | Pioneer of the roads | John Clydesdale | PIO CLY | 21/07/2003 | ||||||||||||||
76 | Swan River Letters | Ian Berryman | SWA BER | 18/08/2003 | ||||||||||||||
77 | Adventures in Maylands | Mary McKenzie | ADV McK | 15/09/2003 | ||||||||||||||
78 | Blind school people | Albert Moon | BLIN MOON | 19/04/2004 | ||||||||||||||
79 | Aerodrome land | Alma Venville | MAYL VENV | 15/05/2004 | ||||||||||||||
80 | Nugget Coombs | David Trainer | NUG TRA | 16/06/2004 | ||||||||||||||
81 | Trainer family | Cliff Trainer | TRA TRA | 19/07/2004 | ||||||||||||||
82 | Trams of Maylands | Green Greenslade | TRA GRE | 16/08/2004 | ||||||||||||||
83 | Perth First Motor vehicle | John Clydesdale | MOT CLY | 20/09/2004 | ||||||||||||||
84 | Group Settlement | Maude Simmons | SET SIM | 21/03/2005 | ||||||||||||||
85 | Aviation History | Brian Floyd | FLO FLO | 18/04/2005 | ||||||||||||||
86 | Closure of Blind Institute | Blind meeting with MRRA | 2/05/2005 | |||||||||||||||
87 | Closure of Blind Institute on 6PR | Frank Greenslade | May 2005 | |||||||||||||||
88 | Tragedies at RI for Blind | Albert Moon | BLI MOO | 16/05/2005 | ||||||||||||||
89 | Walter Gaunt | Pam Gaunt | GAU GAU | 20/06/2005 | ||||||||||||||
90 | Migrant story | Sonia Ford | FOR FOR | 18/07/2005 | ||||||||||||||
91 | Birds of Maylands | Brice Wells | BIR WEL | 15/08/2005 | ||||||||||||||
92 | Maylands Milkmen | Albert Rosher | MIL ROS 1 | 18/09/2005 | ||||||||||||||
93 | Maylands Milkmen | Albert Rosher | MIL ROS 2 | 18/09/2005 | ||||||||||||||
94 | Old Maylands | Fred Bishop | MAY BIS | 17/10/2005 | ||||||||||||||
95 | World Archaeologist | Ambika Flavel | TRA FLA | 17/04/2006 | ||||||||||||||
96 | Belsen prison camp | Hetty Verolme | BEL VER | 15/05/2006 | ||||||||||||||
97 | The Hardy Family | Peggy Clarke | HAR CLAA | 18/09/2006 | ||||||||||||||
98 | Eighth Ave Maylands | Minnie Giannagostino | HAR CLA B | 20/11/2006 | ||||||||||||||
99 | Old Maylands | Frank Greenslade 6PR | PEN 6PR GRE | 26/11/2006 | ||||||||||||||
100 | Sergeants Chemists 1930s | Dawn Mitchell | MAY MIT | 19/11/2007 | ||||||||||||||
101 | Growing up in Maylands | Flora Franzinelli | MAY FRA | 18/08/2008 | ||||||||||||||
102 | Born on 8th Ave | Betty Rumble | MAY RUM | 16/03/2009 | ||||||||||||||
103 | Tales of Lyric theatre | Joy Oliver | 20/04/2009 | |||||||||||||||
104 | Saving the Old Peninsula Hotel | Betty Ratcliffe | PEN RAT | 18/05/2009 | ||||||||||||||
105 | Stories of Railway Track | Trevor Robin | 15/06/2009 | |||||||||||||||
106 | Early Maylands | Fred deLacey | 20/07/2009 | |||||||||||||||
107 | Murders of Maylands | Brian Purdy | 21/09/2009 | |||||||||||||||
108 | My memories of Maylands | Terry Gaunt | MAY GAU | 16/11/2009 | ||||||||||||||
109 | Growing up in Maylands | Alf Gabler | 19/07/2010 | |||||||||||||||
110 | John Cyril Hawe | Charles Eden Clarke | HAW EAD | |||||||||||||||
111 | Sir James Stirling | Charles Eden Clarke | STI EAD | |||||||||||||||
112 | Gustave Liebe | Charles Eden Clarke | LIEB EADO | 2000 |
Maylands Historical and Peninsula Association acknowledges the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work, live, and learn. We acknowledge that we tell the stories of Noongar Country and we pay our respects to Elders past and present. This always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who have passed away.